Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp Care: The Complete Guide

The cardinal sulawesi shrimp requires clean water and specific mineral levels to thrive, making them a bit more challenging to care for than other types of shrimp. In this complete guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to ensure your cardinal sulawesi shrimp are healthy and thriving.

When it comes to keeping cardinal sulawesi shrimp, you need to provide a specific set of conditions to ensure their survival. This species requires very clean water with low nitrates, as well as specific mineral levels to thrive. While they are more delicate than some other types of shrimp, with proper care, they can be a stunning addition to any aquarium. In this guide, we’ll cover all the essentials of cardinal sulawesi shrimp care, from water quality to feeding, breeding, and more. Read on to learn how to keep these fascinating creatures happy and healthy.

Tank Setup

Ideal Tank Size For Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp

Cardinal sulawesi shrimp are known for their beautiful coloration and gentle nature. To ensure their optimal health, it is important to provide them with an appropriate sized tank.

  • A minimum tank size of 10 gallons is recommended for a small colony of shrimp.
  • A larger tank of 20 gallons or more is preferable to allow for more space and the opportunity to add additional decorations and plants.
  • It is important to avoid overcrowding the tank as this can lead to poor water conditions.

Water Parameters Required For Optimal Health

Maintaining the correct water parameters is essential to keep cardinal sulawesi shrimp healthy.

  • Water temperature: the ideal temperature for cardinal sulawesi shrimp is between 78-82°f.
  • Ph level: the ph level should be maintained between 7. 0-8. 0.
  • Water hardness: the recommended hardness of the water for cardinal sulawesi shrimp is between 6-8 dkh.

Maintaining good water quality is essential for these shrimp to thrive. Regularly performing water tests and water changes will help ensure that the water parameters are within the recommended range.

Best Substrate And Decorations For The Tank

The substrate and decorations in the tank can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of cardinal sulawesi shrimp.

  • Substrate: using a substrate that is ph-neutral is essential as cardinal sulawesi shrimp prefer a slightly alkaline environment. A substrate made of crushed coral or aragonite will help maintain the proper ph.
  • Decorations: decorations should be carefully chosen to provide hiding places for the shrimp. Driftwood, live plants such as java moss, and rocks with crevices are great options.
  • Lighting: shrimp do not require intense lighting, but a moderate amount is needed for the live plants in the tank.

By following the above-mentioned guidelines for tank setup, you can ensure the optimal health of your cardinal sulawesi shrimp. Make sure you regularly perform water changes, monitor water parameters, and provide them with a comfortable living space that caters to their needs.


Cardinal sulawesi shrimp are a fascinating addition to any aquarium. These tiny creatures are native to the sulawesi region of indonesia and are known for their striking red and white coloring. If you’re considering keeping cardinal sulawesi shrimp, it’s essential to understand how to care for them properly.

One crucial aspect of care is feeding.

Recommended Diet For Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp

Cardinal sulawesi shrimp are omnivorous and will eat both plant and animal-based foods. A well-balanced diet is crucial for their health and overall well-being.

  • Algae wafers: these are widely available at most pet stores and provide essential nutrients and minerals that shrimp need.
  • Blanched vegetables: vegetables like spinach, kale, and zucchini are good sources of fiber and vitamins.
  • High-quality shrimp pellets: pellets specifically formulated for shrimp contain all the necessary nutrients your cardinal sulawesi shrimp need.
  • Live foods: brine shrimp, daphnia, and mosquito larvae are excellent sources of protein and are a favorite among shrimp.
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How Often To Feed And How Much

Overfeeding shrimp can lead to health problems in both the shrimp and the tank’s environment. It’s important to feed your cardinal sulawesi shrimp in moderation and according to a schedule.

  • Feed your shrimp small amounts twice daily.
  • Only feed your shrimp what they can eat within two hours.
  • Remove any uneaten food from the tank to maintain water quality.

Compatible Tankmates For Feeding

Cardinal sulawesi shrimp are peaceful creatures and should be kept with similarly peaceful tankmates.

  • Other types of freshwater shrimp, such as amano or ghost shrimp.
  • Small, non-aggressive fish like tetras or guppies.
  • Snails like nerite or mystery snails.

Keep in mind that some fish may see the shrimp as a food source, so it’s essential to choose tankmates carefully.

Feeding your cardinal sulawesi shrimp a nutritious and well-balanced diet is essential for their overall health and well-being. A consistent feeding schedule and compatible tankmates will help ensure a happy and healthy aquarium environment.


Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp Care: The Complete Guide – Maintenance

Proper maintenance is vital to keep cardinal sulawesi shrimp healthy and happy. With the right care, they can thrive and make a great addition to your aquarium. In this section, we’ll cover the essential maintenance tasks you need to follow to keep your tank clean, prevent diseases, and ensure your shrimp have the best possible care.

Regular Maintenance Tasks To Keep The Tank Clean

Keeping the tank clean is vital for your shrimp’s health.

  • Clean the substrate and remove debris and uneaten food.
  • Remove any dead or decaying plants or animals.
  • Check the water temperature and ph regularly.
  • Keep the water level consistent.

Water Changes And Proper Filtration

Water changes are an easy way to keep your sulawesi shrimp healthy.

  • Change 10-15% of the water every week.
  • Use a dechlorinator to remove any harmful chemicals from the tap water.
  • Clean the filter media every 4-6 weeks.
  • Use a filter with a low flow rate and a sponge pre-filter.

Preventing And Treating Common Diseases

Like any other living creature, cardinal sulawesi shrimp can be susceptible to a few diseases.

  • Watch for any changes in behavior or appearance, such as a reluctance to move or eat, or a change in color.
  • Avoid overcrowding the tank.
  • Maintain a consistent water temperature.
  • Quarantine any sick shrimp as soon as possible.
  • Treat any illnesses with medication.

Cardinal sulawesi shrimp are fascinating creatures that require proper maintenance, including regular cleaning, water changes, and disease prevention. By following these essential care tips, you’ll ensure that your shrimp thrive and make a beautiful addition to your aquarium.


Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp Care: The Complete Guide

Are you a shrimp enthusiast looking to breed cardinal sulawesi shrimp? These attractive and rare shrimp species are quite challenging to breed in captivity, but it is not impossible.

How To Breed Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp

Breeding cardinal sulawesi shrimp can be quite daunting, but following these steps can help ensure success:

  • Ensure the water quality is optimal by monitoring the temperature, ph level, and hardness of the water.
  • Ensure the lighting in your aquarium tank is suitable, as this can stimulate breeding behaviors.
  • Ensure you have both male and female shrimp in the tank for breeding.
  • Observe the shrimps closely to identify courting behaviors like chasing and cleaning each other.
  • Once you notice a male and female shrimp mating, transfer the female shrimp to a separate breeding tank.

Conditions For Optimal Breeding Success

Apart from the above steps, ensure that the breeding conditions are optimal.

  • The breeding tank should have a breeding box and sponge filter for water circulation.
  • The temperature of the breeding water should be within 75-82°f, and the ph level should be between 7. 0 and 8. 0 for optimal breeding success.
  • Feed the parent cardinal sulawesi shrimp with a high-quality diet rich in protein and calcium to ensure healthy baby shrimps
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Caring For Baby Shrimp

Rearing baby cardinal sulawesi shrimp requires care and attention.

  • Feed the baby shrimp with a suitable diet that contains small-sized particles, such as powdered fish food and baby brine shrimp.
  • Monitor the water quality carefully, as baby shrimps are sensitive to poor water quality.
  • Ensure the water parameters are consistent, and use a sponge filter to keep the water moving slowly to maintain oxygen levels.
  • Avoid disturbing the shrimp or feeding them too much, as this can cause stress and poor growth.

Breeding cardinal sulawesi shrimp can be challenging, but following the above steps will give you the best chance of success. Remember to provide optimal breeding conditions, such as the right temperature, water quality, and lighting, along with proper care for baby shrimp for optimal results.

Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions Of Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp Care: The Complete Guide

What Is The Ideal Water Temperature For Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp?

The ideal water temperature for cardinal sulawesi shrimps is between 78°f to 82°f, and the water ph level should be maintained between 7. 2 and 7. 4. It’s crucial to keep the water clean and free from any harmful chemicals or bacteria to provide a suitable environment for these shrimps to thrive.

What Should I Feed My Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp?

Cardinal sulawesi shrimp require a well-balanced diet of algae and biofilm. You can supplement their diet with high-quality shrimp pellets and sliced vegetables. Overfeeding can result in water quality issues, so feed only small amounts once or twice a day.

How Often Should I Change The Water In My Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp Tank?

It’s recommended to change 10-20% of the water weekly in cardinal sulawesi shrimp tank. This helps maintain water quality and ensures that the shrimp remain healthy. However, the actual frequency of water changes may vary depending on factors like the tank size and number of shrimp.

Can I House Other Species Of Shrimp With My Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp?

It’s not recommended to house other species of shrimp with cardinal sulawesi shrimp. These shrimp have specific requirements, and introducing other shrimp species can lead to aggression and competition for resources. Cardinal sulawesi shrimp do best when kept in a species-only tank.

Do Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp Require Any Specific Water Parameters Or Conditions?

Cardinal sulawesi shrimp require a specific set of water parameters, such as ph level of 7. 5-8. 5, hardness of 6-8dgh, and a temperature range of 78-84°f. They also need a stable environment, with low nitrate and phosphate levels, and regular water changes.

Are the Care Needs for Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp similar to those of Fiddler Crabs?

The care needs for Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp are quite different from those of fiddler crabs. While fiddler crabs require a land and water habitat, Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp thrive in fully aquatic environments. They have distinct preferences for water parameters and feeding habits, making fiddler crab care essentials unsuitable for their needs.


Caring for cardinal sulawesi shrimp requires patience, attention to detail, and dedication. From maintaining water quality and temperature to providing a balanced diet and a suitable environment, every aspect of their care is crucial. With the right knowledge and care, these shrimp are fascinating creatures to observe and can thrive in a well-maintained aquarium.

Remember to start small and gradually increase the number of shrimp in your tank, and avoid overcrowding to prevent stress and disease. Keep in mind that cardinal sulawesi shrimp are sensitive and delicate creatures, requiring careful handling and protection from predators.

With consistency and proper care, you can create a thriving and healthy environment for your cardinal sulawesi shrimp to call home.

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