Chili Rasbora (Boraras Brigittae): Complete Care Guide

The chili rasbora, also known as boraras brigittae, is a small, colorful and peaceful fish species that requires a well-planted aquarium with soft and acidic water conditions. Native to thailand and malaysia, the chili rasbora is an active swimmer and loves to schools with other peaceful fish species.

Their diet primarily consists of small live or frozen foods such as daphnia, cyclops, and brine shrimp. They breed easily in the aquarium, and their fry require very small food such as infusoria or small live foods. The chili rasbora, due to their small size and peaceful nature, are an excellent option for those who want to keep a small community tank. In this care guide, we will discuss all aspects of chili rasbora’s care, including their habitat, diet, breeding, and more, to help you create a happy and healthy tank for these beautiful fish.

Aquarium Setup

Getting the right aquarium set up is crucial to the well-being of your chili rasbora.

Tank Size And Shape

Chili rasboras are tiny creatures, adults growing to around 2 centimeters in length. Therefore, a 10-gallon tank will be more than suitable for your small school of rasboras.

  • A rectangular tank is a better option than a tall and narrow tank.
  • The shape of the tank should allow for good water circulation.
  • Make sure the aquarium’s lid is a tight fit to prevent the chili rasboras from jumping out.

Water Parameters

Maintaining the correct water parameters is very important when keeping chili rasboras.

  • Temperature should be kept between 75°f and 80°f (24-27°c).
  • Ph level should be between 6. 0-7. 0.
  • Water hardness should be between 1-2 dkh.
  • Keep ammonia and nitrite levels at zero.
  • Regularly check the water parameters to keep the tank healthy.


Filtration is vital in keeping the water clean and maintaining a healthy environment for chili rasboras.

  • The filter should circulate the water at least four times the volume of the tank per hour.
  • A sponge filter is ideal as it provides good biological filtration without creating too much flow.
  • Regularly clean the filter media to keep the filter working efficiently.

Substrate And Decorations

A well-decorated aquarium provides an excellent environment for your chili rasboras.

  • Provide a dark-colored substrate as it replicates their natural habitat.
  • Create a planted aquarium for them to explore, but ensure the plants do not create too much shade.
  • Use hiding places such as driftwood, rocks, and caves.
  • Avoid sharp decorations that may harm the chili rasboras.

Remember, by providing a suitable aquarium setup, you will ensure the optimum health and happiness of your chili rasboras.

Feeding And Nutrition

Chili rasbora, also known as boraras brigittae, is a popular freshwater fish among aquarium enthusiasts worldwide. These tiny fish thrive in a well-cared-for aquarium environment, but feeding and nutrition are essential aspects to ensure their longevity and happiness. In this section, we will discuss the dietary and nutritional requirements of chili rasboras and how often you should feed them.

We will also recommend a list of foods that are optimal for their overall well-being.

Diet And Nutrition Requirements

Chili rasboras are omnivorous fish, which means they require a well-balanced diet that consists of both plant and animal-based foods.

  • Provide a varied diet to ensure they receive all necessary nutrients.
  • Do not overfeed or underfeed them as it can lead to bloating or malnutrition.
  • Supplement their diet with vitamin-rich foods to boost their immune system and enhance their coloration.

How Often To Feed

The frequency of feeding chili rasboras depends on their age and size.

  • For juvenile chili rasboras (less than six months old), feed them two to three times a day.
  • For adult chili rasboras, feed them once or twice a day.
  • Avoid feeding them right before or after a water change, as it can shock their system.

Recommended Foods

Chili rasboras are tiny fish, which means they need small-sized foods that they can easily swallow and digest.

  • High-quality flake foods
  • Freeze-dried foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia
  • Pellets
  • Live foods, such as microworms, brine shrimp, and blackworms
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Providing a well-balanced diet is necessary to ensure the overall health and longevity of your chili rasboras. By understanding their dietary and nutritional requirements, feeding them appropriately, and offering the recommended foods, your chili rasboras will thrive in their aquarium environment.

Health And Disease

Chili rasbora (boraras brigittae) is a beautiful and fascinating fish that requires proper care to prevent common health issues. To make sure your fish stays healthy, understanding the symptoms of disease and taking preventative measures is crucial. Let’s dive into some of the most important aspects of chili rasbora health and disease.

Common Health Issues

Chili rasbora is hardy but susceptible to a range of common health issues like any other fish species.

  • Ich (white spot disease)
  • Fin rot
  • Mouth fungus
  • Swim bladder infections

Preventative Measures To Take

Proper care and management can help to prevent common health issues, including:

  • Maintaining a clean, cycled aquarium with proper lighting, filtration, and temperature.
  • Feeding a well-balanced diet and not overfeeding.
  • Adding new fish to the aquarium only after a quarantine process.
  • Avoiding overcrowding or aggressive fish species.

Symptoms To Look Out For

If any abnormality is noticed in the chili rasbora, it’s important to look out for symptoms of diseases.

  • Red spots, white spots, or growths on the body of the fish
  • Bloating or swelling of the body
  • Sluggish or extremely active behavior
  • Gasping for air at the surface of the water
  • Fins becoming ragged or discolored
  • Loss of appetite

Treatment Options

If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is necessary to take prompt action to prevent the condition from worsening.

  • Administering aquarium salt or medication to the infected fish
  • Treating the aquarium’s water with medication
  • Quarantining the infected fish and treating them in a separate tank

Taking care of chili rasbora’s health requires vigilance, attention, and proper management. Monitoring the fish’s activity, keeping the aquarium clean, introducing new fish cautiously, and treating disease promptly will help ensure a happy, healthy life for your beloved chili rasbora.


Chili rasbora (boraras brigittae) is a small and gorgeous freshwater fish that is native to southeast asia. They are becoming increasingly popular among aquarium enthusiasts because they are low-maintenance and peaceful. However, breeding them can be a bit tricky since they are delicate creatures.

In this section, we will explore some of the essential considerations when it comes to breeding chili rasbora.

Breeding Behaviors

Like most fish, chili rasbora features distinct breeding behavior. The males tend to exhibit more significant changes in coloration than females when they are ready to mate. They are usually brighter, and they darken their stripes to make themselves appear more attractive.

Additionally, the males show off their fins by flaring them out as a sign of readiness. The females also become plumper during breeding season and lay their eggs in large numbers to ensure successful fertilization.

Steps To Encourage Breeding

Chili rasbora breeding is best done separately in a dedicated breeding tank.

  • Provide the ideal breeding environment: the tank should be planted densely with fine-leaved plants, which serve as spawning media. Be sure to simulate the natural light conditions by using dim lighting.
  • Adjust water parameters: the water temperature should be between 75-80 degrees fahrenheit, with a ph level of 6. 0-6. 5, and the water hardness should be between 1-5 dkh.
  • Condition the fish: conditioning the fish is a crucial step that involves feeding them with high-quality, protein-rich food. Ensure that both males and females are in healthy condition before breeding.

Rearing Fry

After fertilization, the eggs will hatch in less than 30 hours, and the fry will be free-swimming after four days. Many fish keepers will remove the parents at this moment to prevent them from eating the fry. One of the essential things is to provide a suitable growth environment.

  • Feed them properly: start with infusoria for newborn fry, them moving to baby brine shrimp, and other high-protein foods as they grow.
  • Maintaining water quality: fry requires a clean environment. Be sure to perform regular water changes and keep the tank filtered.
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Potential Challenges

Like any other breeding project, raising chili rasbora fry comes with its fair share of difficulties.

  • Egg fungal infections: this is a common issue when breeding chili rasbora. Consider adding a suitable antifungal medication to the water.
  • Low fertilization: poor fertilization may occur if you only have a few males in the breeding tank. Make sure you have enough males and females to ensure successful fertilization.
  • Predation: adult fish may see fry as food, especially if they are not removed from the breeding tank on time. Always remove adult fish from the breeding tank immediately once the eggs are laid.

With proper care, chili rasbora breeding can be a rewarding and exciting experience. Following this care guide can lead to a successful breeding experience that will produce healthy fry that will grow to stunning adults.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Chili Rasbora (Boraras Brigittae): Complete Care Guide

What Is The Ideal Water Temperature For Chili Rasboras And How Should I Maintain It?

The ideal water temperature for chili rasboras is between 76-80°f (24-27°c). Maintain the temperature by using an aquarium heater and thermometer. Avoid sudden temperature changes and keep the water clean and well-aerated. Regular water changes of 10-25% weekly will also help maintain stable water conditions.

How Often Should I Feed My Chili Rasboras And What Type Of Food Should I Provide?

Feed your chili rasboras once or twice a day, with small amounts of high-quality dried, frozen, and live food. Fine particle flakes or small pellets with a high protein content are recommended, as well as small-sized live food like daphnia, brine shrimps, and bloodworms.

Make sure you give them enough food but avoid overfeeding.

Can Chili Rasboras Be Kept In A Community Tank With Other Fish Species?

Yes, chili rasboras can be kept in a community tank with other peaceful fish species of similar size and temperament. They are generally non-aggressive and prefer to school with their own kind. However, they may become stressed in a tank with larger or aggressive fish, so it’s important to choose tank mates carefully.

Is It Necessary To Provide Live Plants In The Tank For Chili Rasboras?

Live plants are not necessary for chili rasboras, but they do provide a natural environment and can improve water quality. Fake plants can also be used as long as they are properly cleaned and do not pose a danger to the fish.

How Often Should I Perform Water Changes For The Tank Housing Chili Rasboras?

Performing a 10-20% water change every week is ideal for a tank housing chili rasboras. The water quality plays a crucial role in their health. Ensure the water parameters are stable, and the water temperature is consistent. The water change should be done with a suitable conditioner to eliminate toxic elements and chloramines.

Are Emerald Dwarf Rasboras Similar to Chili Rasboras in Terms of Care Needs?

Yes, emerald dwarf rasboras and chili rasboras have similar care needs. Both species require a well-maintained aquarium, a balanced diet, and appropriate water conditions. Following the emerald dwarf rasbora care guide will also benefit chili rasboras, ensuring they thrive in a suitable environment. Remember to research both species to meet their specific needs.


To sum up, chili rasbora is a fascinating and stunning fish species that requires expert care to thrive. Proper water management, adequate food and nutrition, and a comfortable habitat are essential for their well-being. With adequate care and attention to detail, you can witness these tiny creatures swim in unison and transform your aquarium into a beautiful aquatic world.

Remember, the key to successful chili rasbora care is to provide them with a safe, healthy, and peaceful environment that simulates their natural habitat. While they may require specific care, watching them swim gracefully, play, and interact with their school is a thrilling and rewarding experience.

So, if you’re looking for an aquarium that exudes vibrancy and energy, the chili rasbora is an ideal choice!

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