Fast Growing Aquarium Plants (Species Guide)

Fast growing aquarium plants are beneficial for aquariums as they provide oxygen and absorb nitrates. In this species guide, we’ll cover some of the fastest growing aquarium plants and how to care for them.

Aquarium plants not only add to the beauty of the aquarium but also play an important role in maintaining a healthy environmental balance. Fast growing plants are a great option for aquariums as they help regulate water conditions by absorbing nitrates and producing oxygen. These plants also provide shelter to fish and other aquatic life. In this species guide, we will discuss some of the fastest growing aquarium plants such as hygrophila polysperma, cabomba caroliniana, and vallisneria spiralis. We will also discuss the ideal growing conditions and care tips for these plants.

Top 5 Fast Growing Aquarium Plants

When it comes to setting up an aquarium, selecting the right plants is crucial. Fast-growing aquarium plants are an excellent choice for beginners looking to establish their tanks quickly. These plants grow easily and require minimal maintenance, making them ideal for any aquarium setting.

Let’s take a closer look at the top 5 fast-growing aquarium plants that are perfect for anyone’s aquarium setup.

Hornwort (Ceratophyllum Demersum)

Description And Benefits:

Hornwort is a fast-growing stem plant that is perfect for aquariums. It has a unique appearance, with dense green needles and a soft texture. The plant is low maintenance and very resilient, making it an ideal plant for beginners. Hornwort is also an excellent choice for tanks with fish or shrimp, as it provides cover and shelter for the inhabitants.

Tank Requirements:

  • Hornwort thrives in a ph range of 6. 5-7. 5 and a temperature of 59-86°f.
  • The lighting requirement for hornwort is low to moderate.
  • Hornwort does not require additional co2 injection.

Tips On Planting:

  • Hornwort can be planted by placing it directly in the gravel substrate or floating it on the surface of the water.
  • It is a hardy plant and does not require any specific planting techniques.

Pros And Cons:


  • Fast-growing and low maintenance.
  • Provides shelter for fish and shrimp.
  • Can be grown as a floating plant.


  • Can shed a lot of needles, which can make the water cloudy.

Java Moss (Taxiphyllum Barbieri)

Description And Benefits:

Java moss is a beautiful, fast-growing plant that is perfect for any aquarium setup. It has a unique appearance with small green leaves and a dense texture. The plant is low maintenance and very resilient, making it an ideal plant for beginners.

Java moss is also an excellent choice for tanks with fish or shrimp, as it provides cover and shelter for the inhabitants.

Tank Requirements:

  • Java moss thrives in a ph range of 6. 0-8. 0 and a temperature of 59-86°f.
  • The lighting requirement for java moss is low to moderate.
  • Java moss does not require additional co2 injection.

Tips On Planting:

  • Java moss can be grown by tying it to rocks, driftwood, or substrate.
  • If left untrimmed, java moss can grow out of control and take over the tank.

Pros And Cons:


  • Low maintenance and perfect for beginners.
  • Provides shelter for fish and shrimp.
  • Can be grown in various locations.


  • Can grow out of control if not carefully trimmed.

Amazon Sword (Echinodorus Amazonicus)

Description And Benefits:

Amazon sword is a popular aquatic plant that is easy to grow in aquariums. It has long, pointed leaves that are light to dark green in color. The plant is perfect for beginners looking for a low maintenance, fast-growing plant for their tank.

Amazon sword is also an excellent choice for tanks with fish or shrimp, as it provides cover and shelter for the inhabitants.

Tank Requirements:

  • Amazon sword thrives in a ph range of 6. 5-7. 5 and a temperature of 72-82°f.
  • The lighting requirement for amazon sword is moderate to high.
  • Additional co2 injection is recommended for optimal growth.

Tips On Planting:

  • Amazon sword should be planted in a nutrient-rich substrate for optimal growth.
  • Be sure to provide ample space for the plant to grow.

Pros And Cons:


  • Easy to grow and perfect for beginners.
  • Provides shelter for fish and shrimp.
  • Great for larger aquariums.


  • Can grow quite large, which may be challenging for smaller tanks.

Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne Balansae)

Description And Benefits:

Cryptocoryne is a popular aquatic plant that is easy to grow in aquariums. It has long, broad leaves that are dark green in color. The plant is perfect for beginners looking for a low maintenance, fast-growing plant for their tank.

Cryptocoryne is also an excellent choice for tanks with fish or shrimp, as it provides cover and shelter for the inhabitants.

Tank Requirements:

  • Cryptocoryne thrives in a ph range of 5. 5-7. 5 and a temperature of 68-82°f.
  • The lighting requirement for cryptocoryne is low to moderate.
  • Additional co2 injection is recommended for optimal growth.
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Tips On Planting:

  • Cryptocoryne should be planted in a nutrient-rich substrate for optimal growth.
  • Be sure to provide ample space for the plant to grow.

Pros And Cons:


  • Low maintenance and great for beginners.
  • Provides shelter for fish and shrimp.
  • Excellent for foreground planting.


  • Can be sensitive to water chemistry changes.

Water Wisteria (Hygrophila Difformis)

Description And Benefits:

Water wisteria is a fast-growing stem plant that is perfect for aquariums. It has delicate, feathery leaves and a soft texture. The plant is low maintenance and very resilient, making it an ideal plant for beginners. Water wisteria is also an excellent choice for tanks with fish or shrimp, as it provides cover and shelter for the inhabitants.

Tank Requirements:

  • Water wisteria thrives in a ph range of 6. 0-7. 5 and a temperature of 72-82°f.
  • The lighting requirement for water wisteria is moderate to high.
  • Additional co2 injection is recommended for optimal growth.

Tips On Planting:

  • Water wisteria can be planted directly into substrate or left floating.
  • Be sure to provide ample space for the plant to grow.

Pros And Cons:


  • Fast-growing and low maintenance.
  • Provides shelter for fish and shrimp.
  • Can be grown as a floating plant.


  • Can shed leaves, which can make the water cloudy.

Fast-growing aquarium plants are an excellent choice for beginners looking to establish their tanks quickly. With the top 5 fast-growing aquarium plants listed above, you are sure to find a perfect fit for your aquarium setup. So, go ahead and add some nature to your tank and watch your aquatic life thrive!

Choosing The Right Fast Growing Aquarium Plants

Fast growing aquarium plants are an ideal addition to any aquarium setup. Not only do they aid in the removal of toxins, but they also provide an organic environment for your fish. Moreover, they add a vibrant touch of greenery to the surrounding areas.

Factors To Consider When Selecting The Ideal Plant For Your Aquarium

When selecting the ideal plant for your aquarium, several factors come into play.

  • Stocking density: the number of fish and other aquatic animals in your tank determines the number of plants you should have.
  • Water parameters: different plants require different water parameters such as acidity levels, hardness, and salinity.
  • Light requirements: plants require suitable light intensity and duration for photosynthesis.

Stocking Density, Water Parameters And Light Requirements

In a well-stocked aquarium, fast growing aquarium plants are safe for your fish since they act as a buffer against high levels of waste products. Additionally, fast growing plants produce oxygen, which is essential for fish survival.

  • For a heavily stocked aquarium (more than one fish per gallon), you should increase the number of fast growing plants.
  • Most plants require ph levels of 6. 5 to 7. 5, and the water to be moderately hard to hard.
  • If you have a low light tank, choose low light plants such as java fern and anubias. On the other hand, if you have a high light tank, consider high light plants like amazon sword and rotala indica.

Best Plants For Different Aquarium Types And Setups

Different aquarium types and setups require various types of plants.

  • Low-tech aquarium – java moss, anubias, and java fern
  • High-tech aquarium – ludwigia repens, eleocharis acicularis, and rotala indica.
  • Planted aquarium – amazon sword, anubias, and cryptocoryne.

Tips On How To Mix And Match Different Plants

Mixing and matching different species of plants can create a stunning look in your aquarium, but it can be a daunting task for beginners.

  • Choose plants that have similar water and light requirements.
  • Create a focal point by using larger plants as a centerpiece.
  • Mix colors by selecting plants with contrasting shades of green and red.

Fast growing aquarium plants provide countless benefits for your aquarium setup. When selecting the ideal plant, consider stocking density, water parameters, light requirements, and the type of aquarium setup you have. Mixing and matching different plants can be challenging, but it can also result in an appealing and organic environment.

Care And Maintenance Of Fast Growing Aquarium Plants

Aquarium plants bring countless benefits to any aquarium. They help to purify the water, provide oxygen for the fish, and absorb carbon dioxide. Fast-growing plants are particularly desirable because they can quickly fill in empty spaces and reduce algae growth by using up the nutrients that would otherwise be consumed by algae.

These types of plants can be a great addition to any aquarium, but they do require proper care and maintenance to keep them thriving.

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Proper Lighting And Fertilization For Fast-Growing Plants

Fast growing plants require adequate lighting and nutrients to be healthy.

  • Choose the right type of lighting: different plants require different levels of lighting, so research what type(s) of lighting your plants need and adjust accordingly.
  • Consider the duration of lighting: most fast-growing plants need around 8-10 hours of light each day. However, in some cases, too much light can contribute to algae growth, so if that’s a problem for you, consider reducing the lighting period.
  • Use fertilizers: fast-growing plants require a lot of nutrients, especially nitrogen and potassium. You can use commercial fertilizers or opt for natural options like fish waste or decaying plant matter to nourish your plants.

Pruning And Trimming Techniques

Pruning and trimming are crucial techniques in maintaining the health of fast-growing plants.

  • Prune regularly: regular pruning helps you maintain the shape and size of your plants. Additionally, it encourages growth and removes parts of the plants that are damaged or unhealthy.
  • Use the right tools: always use a sharp and clean pair of scissors or pruning shears to avoid damaging the plant while trimming or pruning.
  • Watch out for new growth: keep an eye out for new sprouts and trim them when necessary.

Maintenance Tips For A Healthy And Thriving Aquarium

Maintaining a healthy aquarium goes beyond taking good care of your fast-growing plants. Still, it is a crucial aspect of keeping your aquarium thriving.

  • Perform regular water changes: depending on the size of your aquarium, perform a water change at least once a week to keep the water fresh and remove accumulated debris.
  • Clean the filtration system: a properly-functioning filtration system ensures a healthy environment for your plants and fish. So, clean it regularly to prevent clogging.
  • Monitor water temperature and ph: fast-growing plants, like most other plants, have a preferred temperature and ph range. Monitor these and adjust as necessary.

Disease Prevention And Treatment

Fast-growing plants are susceptible to disease, which can quickly spread to other plants or fish in the aquarium.

  • Quarantine new plants before introducing them to the aquarium: new plants may contain pests that can quickly spread to other plants or fish.
  • Remove infected plants: if you notice any signs of disease or infection, like rotting or discolored leaves, remove the infected portions or quarantine and treat the affected plant.
  • Treat the water: when treating diseases, ensure that the treatment won’t harm the fish or plants in the aquarium. Additionally, follow the treatment instructions carefully to prevent overdosing or underdosing.

Frequently Asked Questions On Fast Growing Aquarium Plants (Species Guide)

What Are Some Common Fast-Growing Aquarium Plant Species?

Some common fast-growing aquarium plant species include java moss, amazon sword, ludwigia, hygrophila, and moneywort.

How Do I Care For Fast-Growing Aquarium Plants?

Fast-growing aquarium plants require regular fertilization, pruning, and maintenance to ensure healthy growth and prevent overgrowth.

Why Are Fast-Growing Aquarium Plants Beneficial For My Tank?

Fast-growing aquarium plants help to reduce algae growth, provide oxygen, and absorb excess nutrients in the tank, improving water quality.

Can Fast-Growing Aquarium Plants Be Used In All Types Of Aquariums?

Fast-growing aquarium plants can be used in a variety of aquariums, including freshwater and planted tanks with low to high tech setups.

What Are Some Fast Growing Aquarium Plants That I Can Use in My Java Moss Aquarium?

Looking for fast-growing aquarium plants for your Java Moss aquarium? Check out our Java moss care guide for a compilation of some great options. These plants, when combined with Java Moss, create a beautiful and healthy aquatic environment. Incorporate them into your tank to enhance its overall appeal and provide a thriving habitat for your aquatic friends.


Incorporating fast-growing aquarium plants to your aquarium setup can be a beneficial addition to the ecosystem and add the perfect touch of green. The species mentioned in this guide are not only visually appealing, but they also provide natural filtration, oxygen, and shelter for your aquatic life.

Bear in mind that selecting suitable plant species for your aquarium can be a daunting task, but with the aid of this guide, you can make an informed decision. Ensure you fully understand the plant’s care requirements, size potential, and compatibility with other plants and animals in the aquarium.

Remember to provide ample lighting, nutrients, and co2 levels for optimal growth conditions. By following these simple pointers and carefully selecting the best plant species, you can create a beautiful and thriving aquatic environment full of life and color. Happy planting!

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