Freshwater Pom Pom Crab: Care, Lifespan, Tank Mates

The freshwater pom pom crab’s care involves a species only tank with a secure lid, moderate water flow, and good filtration. They have a lifespan of two years and prefer to live in groups with their own species.

Suitable tankmates include snails, shrimp, and small fish that do not prey on them. Freshwater pom pom crabs, also known as “lollipop” crabs, are a fascinating addition to any aquarium enthusiast’s collection. These small crabs have a distinct appearance, characterized by fur-like protrusions from their claws that resemble pom-poms. Their care and lifespan are essential aspects that must be taken into consideration before owning them. These crabs require a species-only tank with a secure lid to prevent escape. Maintaining moderate water flow and good filtration is recommended. They have a lifespan of two years and thrive in groups with their own species. In this article, we will discuss the care requirements, lifespan, and tankmates of freshwater pom pom crabs.

Freshwater Pom Pom Crab Care

Keeping freshwater pom pom crabs in aquariums is an excellent decision for aquarists who want varieties in their tanks. These species make for fantastic pets, adding color to your aquarium and are easy to care for. Here is a breakdown of what to keep in mind when caring for freshwater pom pom crabs to ensure that they live happily.

Setting Up A Proper Tank

Before purchasing freshwater pom pom crabs, ensure that your aquarium has the appropriate settings to accommodate these pets.

  • Tank size: 10-gallon-sized tank for every five crabs is ideal.
  • Filtration: a filter that can handle up to twice the tank’s size is best.
  • Land space: allow for enough land space atop the water or within the tank, which has easy accessibility for your crabs.
  • Substrate: use sand or pebbles with enough depth.
  • Hideouts: place rocks, plants, or shells within the tank that the crabs can use as hiding spots or climbing surfaces.
  • Heater: maintain water temperature within the range of 60-80 fahrenheit.

Feeding And Nutrition

A healthy diet rich in calcium, protein is crucial to ensure longevity in freshwater pom pom crabs.

  • Diet: they primarily feed on algae, but other foods like vegetables like spinach, carrots, and zucchini appeal to them. Feeder shrimp and small fish are excellent protein sources.
  • Calcium: supplement calcium to ensure a hard shell.
  • Feeding manners: freshwater pom pom crabs will feed on uneaten food and dead animal matter. Always ensure a clean tank.

Maintaining Tank Cleanliness

Freshwater pom pom crabs are not high maintenance pets.

  • Water changes: change the water 25% every week to prevent algae growth, excessive waste generation, and maintain ideal water parameters.
  • Filtration: clean the filter monthly and replace the media annually.
  • Algae control: install appropriate lighting and reduce the level of light to control organic growth.

Maintaining freshwater pom pom crabs in your aquarium is easy as long as you follow the proper guidelines. With proper care and attention, these pets can live for more than two years.

Freshwater Pom Pom Crab Lifespan

Freshwater pom pom crabs are fascinating creatures to own, and they can be a great addition to your aquarium for their unique appearance and fun behavior. But knowing their lifespan is crucial in ensuring you can take good care of these small creatures, giving them enough time to enjoy their surroundings.

So, how long do they live?

How Long Do They Live?

The lifespan of freshwater pom pom crabs can range from 2-3 years, and sometimes up to 4 years if they are provided with optimal living conditions. Although they are fragile creatures, they can be quite hardy when taken care of correctly, and you can expect them to live for at least 2 years in their natural habitat.

Factors That May Affect Lifespan

Several factors can affect the lifespan of freshwater pom pom crabs.

  • Water parameters: high levels of ammonia, nitrates, or nitrites can harm the health of your pom pom crab, leading to a shorter lifespan. Ensure that you maintain appropriate water parameters in your aquarium.
  • Diet: freshwater pom pom crabs are omnivores and require a balanced diet. Feeding them uneaten fish food, plant matter, or not giving them sufficient nutrition can cut their lifespan shorter.
  • Water quality: the maintenance of the crab’s tank is critical to their health and lifespan; keeping their water clean and free from harmful substances will guarantee they stay healthy and live for a longer time.
  • Stress: being delicate creatures, freshwater pom pom crabs can get scared or stressed in environments that are too competitive or noisy, affecting their general well-being and lifespan.
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How To Prolong Their Life

If you want your freshwater pom pom crab to live a long and happy life, there are several things you can do to help:

  • Keep their aquarium clean and ensure that all the water parameters are in check.
  • Provide a proper diet, including both vegetables and protein sources.
  • Add a source of shelter; freshwater pom pom crabs enjoy hiding themselves in caves and other hiding spots.
  • Avoid overcrowding their tank; ensure sufficient space by monitoring their behavior and growth.
  • Be gentle with them. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that may scare them.

With proper care, freshwater pom pom crabs can add a splash of color to your aquarium for many years to come.

Freshwater pom pom crabs can live up to 2-4 years when provided with optimal living conditions. Some factors could affect their lifespan, including water parameters, diet, water quality, and stress. By properly taking care of them, you can prolong their life and ensure a healthy, long-lasting, and fun addition to your aquarium.

Choosing Tank Mates

The freshwater pom pom crab is a highly unique species that makes for a fantastic addition to any tank. However, it is important to carefully consider the tank mates you choose to house with this crab, as not all fish are suitable.

Here, we discuss what types of fish are compatible with freshwater pom pom crabs in your aquarium.

What Types Of Fish Are Suitable For Housing With Freshwater Pom Pom Crabs?

Here are some key points to consider when selecting tank mates:

  • Choose peaceful fish that won’t nip at the crab’s legs or pinchers.
  • Avoid very small fish as they can become prey for the crab.
  • Stick with bottom-dwellers that occupy different swim zones of the tank.

Now, let’s dive deeper into specific species that can live harmoniously with freshwater pom pom crabs:

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish are one of the most popular and compatible tank mates for freshwater pom pom crabs. They are peaceful, easy to care for, and prefer to occupy the lower regions of the aquarium. Make sure to keep them in groups of at least six for optimal companionship.


Guppies are another great choice for tank mates, as they tend to occupy the middle and top portions of the tank. These fish are also peaceful and come in a variety of colors, making for a visually appealing addition to your tank.

Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are small, colorful fish that can add a pop of color to your aquarium. They are also peaceful and tend to stay toward the middle and top regions of the tank, keeping them out of the crab’s reach.

Otocinclus Catfish

Otocinclus catfish are a peaceful, bottom-dwelling species that can help keep your tank clean by eating algae. They are also compatible with freshwater pom pom crabs and prefer to stay out of their way.

When choosing tank mates for your freshwater pom pom crab, it’s important to keep their personality and behavior in mind. Stick with peaceful, bottom-dwelling species that occupy different parts of the tank to ensure a harmonious and enjoyable aquarium experience.

Common Health Issues

Freshwater Pom Pom Crab: Common Health Issues

It’s important to be aware of the common health issues that freshwater pom pom crabs might face. Proper care and attention to your crabs can help prevent these issues and keep them healthy. Below are some of the most common health issues that freshwater pom pom crabs may experience.

Symptoms Of Illness

Here are some signs to look for if your freshwater pom pom crab is having health issues:

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  • Lethargy and lack of activity
  • Visible signs of injury or abnormal growths on their body
  • Loss of appetite or sudden weight loss
  • Discoloration or unusual markings on their shell
  • Floating or sinking to the bottom of the tank

Preventative Measures

Taking preventative measures can minimize the likelihood of your freshwater pom pom crab developing health issues.

  • Maintain a proper tank environment with clean water and appropriate temperature.
  • Feed them a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods.
  • Provide hiding spots for them to reduce stress and promote a sense of security.
  • Avoid overcrowding in the tank to prevent fights and stress.

Treatment Options

If you suspect that your freshwater pom pom crab is ill or injured, here are some treatment options:

  • Isolate the sick or injured crab in a separate tank or area within the larger tank.
  • Address water quality issues, such as cleaning the tank and testing water ph levels.
  • Consult a veterinarian who specializes in aquarium animals if you cannot remedy the issue on your own.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your freshwater pom pom crab is healthy and happy. Take prompt action if you notice any signs of illness to keep them in top condition.

Can Hermit Crabs Be Kept as Tank Mates with Freshwater Pom Pom Crabs?

When deciding to keep hermit crabs alongside freshwater pom pom crabs, one important aspect to consider is the process of determining hermit crab death or molting. Recognizing whether a hermit crab is dead or simply molting can be challenging, as they often go through periods of inactivity during molting. It is crucial to observe their behavior closely and provide proper care and conditions to ensure the well-being of both species.

Frequently Asked Questions For Freshwater Pom Pom Crab: Care, Lifespan, Tank Mates

What Type Of Aquarium Setup Is Best For A Freshwater Pom Pom Crab?

A minimum of 10 gallons tank is ideal for a single freshwater pom pom crab with freshwater, live plants and hiding spots. Ensure the water temperature ranges between 72-82°f and ph levels are neutral. The substrate should be fine sand, and the crab’s diet should consist of plant materials, small invertebrates, and sinking pellets.

What Type Of Food Do Freshwater Pom Pom Crabs Eat?

Freshwater pom pom crabs mainly feed on detritus and algae found in the aquarium. Occasionally, they may eat insects or small crustaceans. It is essential to provide a balanced diet for their growth and survival.

What Are Some Common Health Issues That Can Affect Freshwater Pom Pom Crabs?

Common health issues that can affect freshwater pom pom crabs include parasite infections, stress-related illnesses, and water quality issues.

Can Freshwater Pom Pom Crabs Live With Other Types Of Aquarium Animals?

Freshwater pom pom crabs may live with peaceful fish, snails, and shrimp as long as they have enough food and hiding places. They can be territorial and may show aggression towards other crab species.

How Long Do Freshwater Pom Pom Crabs Live On Average?

Freshwater pom pom crabs have an average lifespan of 2-3 years. They require specific water conditions and a proper diet to thrive. These crabs are known for their playful, active behaviour, making them popular aquarium pets.


Freshwater pom pom crabs are fascinating creatures that require specialized care and attention. As we have discussed, providing them with a suitable tank setup, appropriate diet, and compatible tank mates is crucial for their wellbeing. With proper care, this species can live up to three years and provide keepers with endless enjoyment observing their unique behaviors and tendencies.

When considering adding freshwater pom pom crabs to your aquarium, it’s essential to research and fully understand the responsibilities involved in caring for these creatures. Additionally, we recommend seeking the guidance of an experienced fish keeper or aquarium professional to ensure the best possible environment for your crab.

By following these guidelines, you can create a thriving ecosystem in your aquarium and enjoy the beauty of freshwater pom pom crabs for years to come.

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