Kenya Tree Coral Care, Information, & Pictures: A Comprehensive Guide

Kenya tree coral is an easy-to-care-for soft coral that is ideal for beginners. This coral grows quickly and can thrive in a variety of tank conditions.

Kenya tree coral, also known as capnella sp. Or nephthea sp. , is a popular and easy-to-care-for soft coral commonly found in aquariums. This coral is native to the indo-pacific and can grow up to 8 inches in height. Its branches are thin and elongated, giving it a tree-like appearance. The kenya tree coral is a fast-growing coral that can quickly dominate a tank, so it is important to give it ample space and prune it regularly. This coral can thrive in a range of water parameters and lighting conditions, making it an ideal choice for beginners. In this article, we will provide you with information on kenya tree coral care, how to propagate this coral, as well as some pictures to help you identify it.

Introduction To Kenya Tree Coral

Kenya tree coral, scientifically known as capnella sp. , is a beginner-friendly soft coral species that can be found in the warm waters of the western pacific ocean, particularly in the indo-pacific region. This coral species is famous among the aquarists due to its rapid growth rate, hardiness, and beautiful appearance.

In this article, we will discuss the key points about kenya tree coral that every enthusiast needs to know.

What Is Kenya Tree Coral?

Kenya tree coral is a soft coral species that belongs to the family of capnella. The common name of this coral is derived from its origin; it resembles a miniature tree that grows up to 30 cm in height on a single stem.

The soft, flexible, and slightly rubbery branches of the coral sway gracefully in the current. It comes in different colors, including green, brown, and pink. One of the striking features of kenya tree coral is that it has a brown or black spot called “sclerites” on its branches.

Physical Characteristics Of Kenya Tree Coral

Here are some of the physical characteristics of the kenya tree coral:

  • Has a wavy, flexible stem with a uniform thickness throughout.
  • The branches are tapered towards the tip, and each branch features small polyps on the surface.
  • Colors can range from pale yellow, beige, green, pink, or brown depending on the lighting and water quality.
  • Kenya tree has sclerites or small calcareous structures that appear like holes on its surface. Sclerites act as a defense mechanism against predators and help reinforce the structure of the coral.

General Information About Kenya Tree Coral

Here are some general key points that every enthusiast should know about kenya tree coral:

  • Kenya tree coral is easy to care for and maintain, making it a popular choice for both novice and experienced aquarists.
  • It is a non-aggressive coral and can coexist safely with other soft coral or non-aggressive species of fish without causing any harm.
  • One of the benefits of the kenya tree coral is that it can propagate by itself through fragmentation. When the coral becomes too large or uncomfortable in a space, it will start to shed branches from its base that can be used to propagate.
  • Kenya tree coral is photosynthetic and gets most of its energy from zooxanthellae, a microscopic algae that lives within its tissues. It also can get food by capturing tiny particles, such as plankton and marine snow, from the water column.
  • Another advantage of kenya tree coral is that it grows quickly and can quickly cover the surface area in the aquarium. This feature makes it ideal for aquarists who are looking to reduce nitrate and phosphate levels in their tank as they help create an attractive and naturalistic environment.

These are some of the essential facts about the kenya tree coral that every enthusiast should know. With the correct care and husbandry, these corals can thrive and become a beautiful addition to any aquarium.

Caring For Kenya Tree Coral

Kenya tree coral care is relatively easy compared to other corals. This is why kenya tree coral is a popular choice and makes a great addition to any aquarium. Keeping a few things in mind, such as environment, water parameters, lighting needs, and feeding and nutrition, can help ensure that your kenya tree coral thrives in your aquarium.

Environment Requirements For Kenya Tree Coral Care

To make sure that your kenya tree coral is happy and healthy, you need to recreate its natural environment in your aquarium.

  • Kenya tree coral is a soft coral species that grows in various environments. It can tolerate moderate water flow and strong light.
  • Make sure to provide ample space for the coral as they can grow quite large.
  • The ideal aquarium temperature for kenya tree coral is 75-82°f (24-28°c).
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Water Parameters For Kenya Tree Coral

Keeping the water parameters stable and within the ideal range is crucial for the health of your kenya tree coral.

  • Ph: 8. 1-8.
  • Salinity: 1. 023-1.
  • Calcium: 380-420 ppm
  • Alkalinity: 8-12 dkh
  • Magnesium: 1250-1350 ppm
  • Phosphate: <0.

Lighting Needs For Kenya Tree Coral

Kenya tree coral requires moderate to strong lighting to maintain its health and color.

  • The ideal lighting level for kenya tree coral is around 200-300 par.
  • The recommended lighting period is around 8-10 hours per day.
  • Use full-spectrum led bulbs for the best results.

Feeding And Nutrition For Kenya Tree Coral

Kenya tree coral is a photosynthetic species, which means it can generate its own food. However, it can also benefit from supplemental feedings.

  • Kenya tree coral is primarily fed through photosynthesis, but you can also feed it small pieces of meaty foods, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, or krill.
  • Feed once or twice a week, as overfeeding can lead to poor water quality.
  • Dose calcium, magnesium, and trace elements in your aquarium to help maintain optimal nutrient levels.

By following these care guidelines, your kenya tree coral will thrive in your aquarium and provide a beautiful addition to your aquatic ecosystem.

Maintaining Kenya Tree Coral

Kenya tree coral is a hardy coral species that is a popular choice among marine aquarium owners worldwide. This is because it is easy to care for and can tolerate a range of conditions in terms of lighting, water flow, and nutrient levels.

However, if you want your kenya tree coral to thrive and grow, it requires proper maintenance. In this section, we will look at some common mistakes when caring for kenya tree coral, the diseases and pests that can affect this coral species, and some tips for maintaining a healthy kenya tree coral.

Common Mistakes When Caring For Kenya Tree Coral

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when caring for kenya tree coral:

  • overfeeding: overfeeding can lead to an excess of nutrients that promote the growth of unwanted algae, which can ultimately harm your coral. Avoid overfeeding your kenya tree coral, and provide it with enough food for optimal health.
  • unstable water parameters: kenya tree coral can tolerate a range of water conditions, but it is essential to maintain stable parameters, including temperature, salinity, ph, and water chemistry. Fluctuations in any of these parameters can stress your coral and make it more susceptible to disease or bleaching.
  • poor water flow: with inadequate water flow in your aquarium, your kenya tree coral may not receive enough oxygen or nutrients, leading to slow growth or even death. Ensure adequate water flow throughout your tank to maintain a healthy aquarium environment.

Disease And Pests That Affect Kenya Tree Coral

Here are some diseases and pests that can affect your kenya tree coral:

  • bleaching: this is a condition where the coral loses its symbiotic algae, leading to a white appearance. Bleaching usually occurs due to elevated water temperatures, stress, or poor water quality.
  • brown jelly disease: this is a bacterial disease that affects soft corals such as kenya tree coral, causing brown, slimy patches to develop on the coral’s surface.
  • red bugs: these are tiny parasitic arthropods that feed on the coral’s tissue, causing white patches or sores to develop. Red bugs are challenging to spot and can spread rapidly through your tank.

Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Kenya Tree Coral

Here are some tips to maintain a healthy kenya tree coral:

  • provide suitable lighting: kenya tree coral prefers moderate to high lighting levels. Ensure that your aquarium’s lighting is appropriate for your coral’s needs, and keep it on for 8-10 hours a day.
  • maintain stable water parameters: as mentioned earlier, it is essential to maintain stable water parameters to keep your kenya tree coral healthy. Use a reliable water test kit to monitor your aquarium’s water chemistry regularly.
  • provide adequate water flow: ensure that your aquarium has adequate water flow to provide your kenya tree coral with enough oxygen and nutrients. You can use a powerhead or wave maker to create enough water movement in your tank.
  • feeding: supplement your coral’s diet with small pieces of food such as fish pellets, coral blends, or phytoplankton. Feed your coral once a week to prevent overfeeding and algae growth.
  • weekly maintenance: do a weekly cleaning of your aquarium, including water changes of about 10-20% to replace any lost or depleted nutrients.
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Maintaining a healthy kenya tree coral requires providing it with suitable lighting, stable water parameters, adequate water flow, and proper feeding. It also involves avoiding common mistakes such as overfeeding and neglecting your aquarium’s maintenance. By implementing these tips, you can ensure that your kenya tree coral remains healthy, vibrant, and a beautiful addition to your marine aquarium.

Propagating Kenya Tree Coral

Kenya tree coral or capnella imbricata is a popular and hardy coral species that can be found in the indian and pacific oceans. It is known for its unique tree-like appearance and its ability to adapt to different tank conditions.

Propagating kenya tree coral can be a rewarding experience for any aquarist, and it is essential to understand the best practices for success.

Methods For Propagating

Kenya tree coral can be propagated through two main methods, which are:

  • Cutting: kenya tree coral can be cut into smaller pieces and reattached to rock substrates or spread over the substrate to form new colonies.
  • Fragmentation: the coral’s branches can be carefully broken or bent to create new offshoots, which can then be reattached to the substrate.

Best Practices For Success

To ensure successful propagation of kenya tree coral, consider the following best practices:

  • The parent colony should be healthy before propagating it. Inspect it for any signs of disease, parasites, or damage before propagating.
  • Use sharp and sterilized tools when cutting or fragmenting to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Ensure that the new fragments or cuttings have sufficient light and water flow to thrive.
  • Fragments placed in sand should be secured with toothpicks or skewers to ensure they remain upright until properly attached.
  • Give the coral enough time and avoid disrupting the newly attached fragments for at least two to three weeks to allow for proper attachment.

Timing And Frequency

Timing and frequency of propagation are crucial to the coral’s success. Ideally, propagation should be done in the coral’s growth phase when it is actively growing to promote faster attachment and growth. It is crucial to avoid propagating the coral too frequently to prevent stress on the parent colony.

Most effective aquarists recommend propagating the coral no more than once every six months.

Propagating kenya tree coral is an exciting experience and knowledge of the best practices and methods can lead to exciting results. Nonetheless, patience and proper consideration of the coral’s needs are necessary for a successful outcome.

Is Kenya Tree Coral Suitable for an Aquatic Community?

Is Kenya Tree Coral Suitable for an Aquatic Community? When it comes to tips for creating a thriving underwater ecosystem, the Kenya Tree Coral is certainly a worthy addition. Known for its hardiness and adaptability, this coral species can coexist harmoniously with various aquatic inhabitants. Its tree-like structure provides ample hiding places for fish and invertebrates, encouraging biodiversity within the community. Additionally, the Kenya Tree Coral’s minimal care requirements make it an ideal choice for beginner aquarium enthusiasts.

Frequently Asked Questions On Kenya Tree Coral Care, Information, & Pictures

What Is A Kenya Tree Coral?

A kenya tree coral is a soft coral species under the scientific name capnella sp.

How Do I Care For Kenya Tree Corals?

Place kenya tree corals in medium to high light and moderate to high water flow. Ensure stable water parameters, including calcium, alkalinity and salinity levels.

What Do Kenya Tree Corals Look Like?

Kenya tree corals have a brown trunk and many branches with small white polyps on each branch.

How Do Kenya Tree Corals Reproduce?

Kenya tree corals reproduce by releasing eggs and sperm into the water column for fertilization.

Can Kenya Tree Corals Sting Other Corals In My Aquarium?

Kenya tree corals are not known to sting other corals. However, they can shade or overgrow neighboring corals.


In sum, the kenya tree coral is a fascinating and unique addition to any aquarium. With proper care, this coral can thrive and add a pop of color to your tank. It is essential to provide the ideal conditions for the kenya tree coral to grow, including adequate lighting, water flow, and stability.

Remember to monitor the water parameters regularly to ensure a healthy environment for this coral species. From its unique branching structure to the stunning colors it exhibits, the kenya tree coral is a must-have for any coral enthusiast. By following the care tips discussed in this post, you can enjoy the beauty and wonder of the kenya tree coral in your own aquarium.

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