Silver Arowana: Care, Size, Tank Mates & More!
The silver arowana requires a large tank and proper care to thrive with compatible tank mates. This stunning fish can grow up to three feet long and needs a balanced diet and pristine water conditions.
If you’re looking for a showstopper in your aquarium, the silver arowana may be the fish for you. This striking species is known for its elongated, silvery body, and its ability to jump out of the water to catch prey. However, keeping a silver arowana requires dedication and proper care, as they can grow up to three feet in length and require a large tank with pristine water conditions. In this article, we’ll delve into the specifics of how to care for a silver arowana, what size tank they need, what tank mates are compatible, and more. So, let’s dive in and learn more about this fascinating fish!
Size And Appearance
Silver Arowana: Care, Size, Tank Mates & More!
With their distinctive silver scales and impressive size, silver arowanas are a popular choice for many aquarium enthusiasts. If you’re considering adding one to your collection, it’s essential to learn about their physical characteristics and growth rate.
Physical Characteristics Of The Silver Arowana
The silver arowana is a large, carnivorous fish native to south america.
- They have silver scales and a long, streamlined body.
- Their eyes are large and predatory, and their jaws are wide and powerful.
- They have small, sharp teeth that are designed for catching and holding prey.
- Their pectoral fins are long and slender, while their dorsal fin is set far back towards the tail.
- They can grow up to 36 inches in length, but it can take several years for them to reach their full size.
Expected Size And Growth Rate
Silver arowanas are known for their impressive size, but it’s important to note that they can take several years to reach their full potential.
- Silver arowanas can grow up to 36 inches in length, but it can take up to three years for them to reach a size of around 18 inches.
- They are relatively slow-growing fish, and it’s important to provide them with a healthy diet and plenty of space to swim.
- Arowanas that are kept in smaller tanks or that are not provided with adequate nutrition may become stunted, which can impact their overall health and wellbeing.
Comparison With Other Arowana Species
There are several different species of arowana fish, each with their own unique characteristics.
- Silver arowanas are the most popular species of arowana in the aquarium trade.
- They are most closely related to the black arowana and the red arowana.
- While they share some traits in common with these other species, their distinctive silver scales are what sets them apart.
- Red arowanas are typically more expensive than silver arowanas, while black arowanas are considered to be more aggressive.
By understanding the physical characteristics and expected growth rate of silver arowanas, as well as how they compare to other arowana species, you can make an informed decision about whether they are the right choice for your aquarium.
Tank Setup
To set up the ideal tank for your silver arowana, you need to consider certain aspects that are crucial to their well-being and survival. Below are some key points that you should keep in mind while setting up the tank.
Tank Size And Capacity
Silver arowanas can grow up to 3-feet long, and they are known to jump out of their tanks frequently. As a result, you should provide them with a large tank that is at least 6 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 2.
5 feet tall. The tank should have a capacity of at least 150 gallons to allow the fish to swim freely.
Water Parameters
Silver arowanas require a well-oxygenated environment to survive, which means that the tank must be adequately aerated. The ph levels should be between 6. 5-7. 5, and the temperature should be maintained between 74°f-82°f. Additionally, the tank should be cycled before adding the fish to ensure stable water parameters.
Lighting And Decor
Silver arowanas prefer dimly lit environments, so make sure to provide them with low-light conditions. You can use floating plants to provide shade or add aquarium-safe caves and driftwood to provide hiding spots. However, make sure that the tank’s decor does not cause any injury to the fish.
Filtration System Requirements
Given their size, silver arowanas produce a lot of waste, and a powerful filtration system is required to maintain water quality. A canister filtration system is ideal for these fish, as it can handle large volumes of water and remove all the waste.
Additionally, you should perform weekly water changes of at least 25% to maintain water quality.
By following these tips, you can create a suitable environment for your silver arowana to thrive and live a healthy life. Remember to keep an eye on their behavior and adjust the tank setup accordingly.
Diet And Nutrition
Silver arowanas are fascinating creatures known for their sleek bodies and remarkable jumping skills. These fish require specific care and attention to thrive in an aquarium environment. One of the essential aspects of caring for these fish is to ensure they have a proper diet and nutrition balance.
In this section, we will discuss the different factors to keep in mind when feeding silver arowanas, including their natural diet and feeding habits, commercial fish food options, feeding frequency and amount, and supplements and live food options.
Natural Diet And Feeding Habits
Silver arowanas are carnivorous fish that consume various protein-rich foods in their natural habitat. In the wild, they feed on small fish, insects, and crustaceans. Therefore, replicating their natural diet in captivity is crucial to keep them healthy and happy.
Offering them a well-balanced diet can enhance their vibrant colors and maintain their overall health.
Commercial Fish Food Options
Commercial fish food is a popular option to feed aquarium fish, including silver arowanas. Pellets and flakes are the most commonly available commercial fish food options. However, it is essential to choose high-quality fish food to provide your silver arowanas with the proper nutrient balance they need.
Look for commercial fish food options that contain high protein levels and are specifically formulated for carnivorous fish.
Feeding Frequency And Amount
Arowanas should be fed two to three times a day in small portions. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, which may cause health issues and a shorter life span for your fish. The amount you feed your fish depends on their size and appetite.
Offer them enough food that they can consume within 2-3 minutes. If there is excess food, remove it from the tank to avoid water pollution.
Supplements And Live Food Options
Supplements and live food options can be added to silver arowana’s diet to provide them with extra nutrients. Krill, shrimp, and bloodworms are some of the live food options you can offer your fish. Additionally, adding vitamin supplements to their diet can help improve their overall health.
Ensure not to overfeed your fish and include supplements moderately.
Feeding your silver arowanas a well-balanced diet that replicates their natural diet is crucial. Keep in mind the feeding habits and frequency, commercial food options, supplements, and live food options to provide them with maximum nutrition. Proper nutrition can improve their overall health, bring vibrancy to their colors, and enhance their longevity.
Behavioral Characteristics
The silver arowana, also known as the indonesia arowana, is a fascinating fish species with striking physical characteristics and unique behavior.
Temperament And Social Behavior
- Silver arowanas have a reputation for being solitary fish. They tend to hide or swim away when kept with other fish species, preferring to be on their own.
- However, silver arowanas can be quite intelligent and can recognize their owners, whom they will often greet when approached.
- These fish have a powerful leaping ability that can propel them out of aquariums if they feel threatened or stressed.
- Silver arowanas are also known to be quite territorial, especially during breeding periods.
Compatibility With Other Fish
- Due to their territorial nature, silver arowanas are best kept alone in a large aquarium or with compatible tank mates that can handle their behavior.
- Suitable tank mates for silver arowanas include other large and robust fish species such as catfish, cichlids, and knifefish.
- Avoid keeping smaller fish species with silver arowanas as they may see them as potential food items and try to eat them.
Breeding Habits And Care
- Breeding silver arowanas is a challenging task that requires a large breeding tank, mature fish, and the right environmental conditions.
- A male and female silver arowana will build a nest out of plants and bubbles, where they will deposit their eggs.
- The male arowana will guard the nest and protect the eggs until they hatch into fry that can swim on their own.
- Fry require special care and a separate tank to grow and develop into adult fish, with a diet that consists of live food such as worms and crustaceans.
Understanding the behavioral characteristics of silver arowanas is crucial for any owner looking to keep these fish in their aquarium. These fish require adequate space, compatible tank mates, and a controlled breeding environment to thrive and flourish.
Are Silver Arowana and Silver Dollar Fish Compatible Tank Mates?
The compatibility of Silver Arowana and Silver Dollar Fish as tank mates depends on various factors. Both species have specific care requirements. To ensure a successful pairing, it is recommended to refer to a comprehensive silver dollar fish care guide. Proper research and consideration of tank size, water conditions, and feeding habits are crucial for maintaining a harmonious coexistence.
Common Issues And Diseases
Silver arowanas are undoubtedly among the most striking and fascinating freshwater fish in the world. However, like all pets, they are susceptible to various health issues that require prompt attention and care. In this section, we will discuss several common diseases and problems that silver arowanas may encounter, as well as tips on how to prevent and treat them.
Common Diseases And Health Issues
Before you get too worried, it’s worth noting that silver arowanas are generally quite hardy fish. That being said, there are a few illnesses or health problems that can potentially affect them.
- Ich or white spot disease: this is a parasitic infection where small white spots appear all over the fish’s body. It is often caused by stress, poor water quality, and other environmental factors.
- Dropsy: this is a bacterial infection where the fish’s body swells up due to fluid build-up. It can be difficult to identify the root cause, but it can be brought on by overfeeding or poor water quality.
- Swim bladder disease: this is where the fish appears to be unable to swim properly, either sinking to the bottom or floating to the surface. It can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, constipation or bacterial infection.
- Fin rot: this is a bacterial infection that eats away at the fins and can slowly spread to other areas of the fish’s body. It can be caused by poor water quality or stress.
- Velvet: this is a parasitic infection where the fish appears to be covered in a golden or rust-coloured dust. It can be brought on by poor water quality, stress and overcrowding.
Preventative Measures
The best way to deal with health issues is to prevent them from occurring in the first place.
- Keep water quality in check: regular water changes are vital for maintaining a healthy environment for your fish. Ideally, you should aim for at least 25% of the water to be replaced every week.
- Don’t overfeed: feed your fish small amounts of food, only once or twice a day. Overfeeding will not only cause health problems, but it can also pollute the water and create other problems.
- Quarantine new fish: new fish can sometimes carry diseases that can spread to other fish in your tank. Keep new arrivals in quarantine for at least two weeks to ensure they are healthy and free from illnesses.
- Give them room to swim: silver arowanas are active fish that need plenty of space to move around. Overcrowding can not only cause stress, but also increase the risk of diseases spreading.
Treatment Options
If you do notice signs of illness, it’s essential to take action quickly to prevent the issue from worsening.
- Ich: a variety of treatments are available, including aquarium salt, copper-based medications, or herbal remedies.
- Dropsy: antibiotics, such as maracyn two, may be necessary to clear up the infection and ease the swelling.
- Swim bladder disease: sometimes fasting the fish or feeding them a peeled pea can help to relieve constipation and ease the problem. If bacteria are present, antibiotics may be needed.
- Fin rot: water changes and antibiotics can help stop the infection from spreading.
- Velvet: copper-based medications can be effective in treating velvet.
Silver arowanas are beautiful and fascinating fish that can bring hours of joy and entertainment. However, as with any pet, they are susceptible to certain health issues that require careful attention and prompt treatment. By following the preventative measures outlined here and keeping a close eye on your fish’s behaviour and health, you can ensure a long and happy life for your silver arowanas.
Frequently Asked Questions For Silver Arowana: Care, Size, Tank Mates & More!
How Big Can Silver Arowana Grow, And How Long Do They Live?
Silver arowana can grow up to 36 inches in length and live for up to 20 years if given adequate care and a healthy environment.
What Is The Recommended Tank Size For Silver Arowana?
The minimum tank size for a juvenile silver arowana should be 250 gallons, and for adult ones, 500 gallons.
Can Silver Arowana Live With Other Fish?
Silver arowana are generally compatible with other large fish that occupy different levels of the aquarium like oscars or plecostomus. Avoid keeping them with small fish as they can be seen as a meal.
What Is The Recommended Diet For Silver Arowana?
Silver arowana are carnivorous and should be fed live or frozen foods such as shrimp, fish, crickets, earthworms and pellets.
How Often Should I Clean My Silver Arowana’S Tank?
Regular water changes of 20-30% weekly, along with cleaning the substrate, and removing any excess food, is crucial to maintain a healthy environment for your arowana.
Overall, taking care of a silver arowana requires a great deal of dedication and attention to detail. From understanding their habitat preferences, tank mates, and feeding habits, to managing their behavior, disease prevention, and filtration needs, there are plenty of considerations to make.
While some hobbyists may be intimidated by the process, it’s important to remember that with the right resources and knowledge, keeping these magnificent fish can be a truly rewarding experience. With proper care and caution, a silver arowana can thrive for years to come, offering a stunning and captivating addition to any aquarium.
So, whether you’re an experienced hobbyist or a first-time fishkeeper, be sure to do your research, stay informed, and enjoy the wonder of these magnificent creatures!